Sunday, February 28, 2010

Travis does the weather...and it's musical

If you missed the show don't worry because you can listen here.

Travis came on and gave us some musical stylings along with Todd, Richie, and Kenny. Oh yeah, and Charlie was banging on a trash can. I guess we can call it the first ever Satellites of Uranus performance. More to come I hope. I will try to make the Weather Song and Country Jam available for download soon.

Here's the playlist:
The Wrong Way - TV On The Radio
Mannequin Republic - At The Drive-In
Quarter Past - The Fall Of Troy
Chinese Organ Thieves - Finch
The Werewolf and Ben - Tera Melos
Castles Of Made Of Sand - Jimi Hendrix
Catch & Release - Silversun Pickups
Needle In The Hay - Elliott Smith
Broken Magnet Halves - Dianogah
10,000 Claps - Phantogram
Sepia - Ex Wife
Not Tonight - Tegan And Sara
Is This Tomorrow? - As Tall As Lions
I Saved Latin - The Ackleys
Good Arms vs. Bad Arms - Frightened Rabbit
Simple Economics - Pedro The Lion
Come Back Boomerang - Time Lapse Consortium
It's easy-eeeee to be full of shit and look good in black - Giraffes? Giraffes!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Richie plays on the show!

Richie plays live on the show! Listen here and subscribe to our podcast over there on the left.

Check out Richie's music at his Myspace

This show's playlist includes:

Mouthful of Diamonds - Phantogram
Love, Love, Love (Love, Love) - As Tall As Lions
Time Bomb - The Format
Kill Me. The King - Portugal. The Man
3rd Planet - Modest Mouse
Hey Momma' - Kay Kay & His Weathered Underground
A quick one, while she’s away - Giraffes? Giraffes!
So Jealous - Tegan and Sara
Red Sky - Thrice
Catch & Release - Silversun Pickups
Open Your Eyes for Me - Ex Wife